







Brands Hatch - Mallory 2009



After the first finish of the season and no body damage it was strange to get home without many problems. For Mallory the car is hired so it needs to be perfect for the customer, the only real things that needed doing was to replace the front discs that I killed at Brands, tighten a fuel clip and give the inside of the car a quick brush over with a new coat of paint.


All the jobs were done very quickly and the car was fuelled and ready less than a week after its success at Brands.


I was a little disapointed with the fact that I wasn't allowed to drive at Mallory having only just got the car working after such a terrible start to the season. When I then learned about the hire driver I was even more distressed, he was completely green, just passed his ARDS and had no other track, never mind race experience.


He was going to be in for a big shock, I remember my first time out, that was in a D class and Megan is another step up the food chain, it's not a lot more powerful but it's enough to put you off the track for a mistake you would survive in the lower class.


I showed my concerns and put the point across that I didn't trust him with her, but what can I do, I look after and run the car but it's not mine. I wasn't happy with the thought of him being let loose in her without some other forms of track experiance. I had a bad feeling about it and we were both joking in the garage that I had driven the car for the last time in anger.


Maybe it's the fact that the track is unforgiving, or maybe it's the fact that the last time I saw a complete novice in an XJS it was written off. Well perhaps it both, it was this track and Andrew's car that was killed...





MEGAN: Brands to Mallory. The fat lady is well into the third aria...

Oh be quiet will you, got to get these in while I can, the car's going

to be dead in about ten days...
